Thursday, July 16, 2009

Marshall Islands recap

Well we made it back from the Marshall Islands safe and all in once piece and I have to say it was an amazing experience. We spent about 7 weeks there and God really showed us alot.

The first thing I want to share is the hospitality of the Marshallese people is incredible and to be honest I have never felt more welcome before. God really reminded me how much I take for granted. He also used the summer as a closure for my RevHi year. It was a really humbling experience and I am so grateful that God gave me the opportunity to go and see how other parts of the world live.

Well we spent the summer in two different atolls, first we went and spent some time in Arno, which by the way has no electricity or running water so it was a great experience which took us way out of our comfort zone. In all we spent about three weeks there and Emily and I had to do VBS for about 30 kids it was amazing because we had to improvise alot and we have very limited resources and supplies so we had to put our creative minds to use and we also had a language barrier, but I think that God still used us there. The kids had a blast and they learned about trusting God and being protected by God. The family there was very nice they took care of us and made sure we had everything we needed. It was hard, we had to do laundry by hand which I guess was kind of fun and it was also hard adjusting to the food.... I was sick alot too. There's something about being away from "our comforts" that is kind of peaceful, seriously I cant explain it but when you try it then you'll know what im talking about.

anyway... after Arno we returned to Majuro, and we had VBS there with over 100 kids at the Laura Corps. Being in Majuro was interesting, we had the privilege of staying at the Lieutenants house and they of course took care of us. We had alot of help from the Corps Cadets which made it way easier for us. It was really fun to try to figure out how to set up VBS for that many kids with just the two of us in charge but we had a lot of support from the corp. The week after VBS we spent with some of the Laura Home League ladies and they showed us how to weave these beautiful marshallese flowers it was interesting. The Marshallese people are so kind, I loved my summer and Its an experience I will never forget. If you ever have a chance to go you should cause it will open your eyes and show you a little bit of how God wants us to treat each other.